

Beth Osborne

Director, Transportation for America

Beth serves as the director of Transportation for America, which is Smart Growth America’s transportation arm. In this position she leads transportation policy development and technical assistance with departments of transportation.

You can read more about Beth here and contact her at beth[dot]osborne[at]t4america[dot]org.



Mae Hanzlik

Program Manager

Mae is a Program Manager with the National Complete Streets Coalition and Transportation for America. She coordinates and contributes to projects for Transportation for America and the National Complete Streets Coalition.

You can read more about Mae here and reach her at mhanzlik [at] smartgrowthamerica [dot] org.


Jenna Fortunati

Policy and Communications Associate

Jenna is a Policy and Communications Associate at Transportation for America.

You can read more about Jenna here and reach her at jenna [dot] fortunati [at] t4america [dot] org.